Yuka Nishihisamatsu

Yuka Nishihisamatsu

  • Born in 1992, Kameoka city, Kyoto

Yuka Nishihisamatsu was born in 1992, in Kameoka-city in Kyoto prefecture. Nishihisamatsu grew up with both of her parents being artists, and she used to flow them around the mountainous city of Kameoka. Kameoka is known for a very dense fog due to its mountains and cold wethers, and she always was fascinated by the atmosphere that created by the fog. She mainly creates ceramic works with multiple colors and fine details which she imagine as a “place to lean on” and the object of prayer. Nishihisamatsu’s work has big influence from the Japanese Buddhism and she reconstructs and reinterprets things with history, inherited items passed down to the present day, indigenous culture, religious symbols, etc. by replacing them with the material of earth (soil). She invites us to reflect on the meaning of normal everyday objects combined with traditional Japanese objects, assembling them together in delicate and profound sculptures, which address and create new links between life, death and rebirth. We often find the lotus in her compositions, a flower that is a symbol of purity but also of regeneration.



Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum, brass, braid, Swarovski

H450 × W230 × D200 mm Photo by Takeru Koroda

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Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum, Swarovski, brass

H310 x W180 x D150 mm Photo by Takeru Koroda

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Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum, brass, braided cord

H530 x W275 × D55 mm Photo by Takeru Koroda

Inquiries about works


Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum, brass, braid, Swarovski

H730 x W280 x D240 mm Photo by Takeru Koroda

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  • On View
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  • Archive

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Available Works

卣 -yu-

卣 -yu-

Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum, Swarovski

H220 × W100 × D100 mm

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皙華飾 -shirokasho-

皙華飾 -shirokasho-

Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum, brass, braided cord

H270 × W160 × D160 mm

Inquiries about works
化生 -kesho-

化生 -kesho-

Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum, brass, braided cord

H530 x W275 × D55 mm

Inquiries about works
水源地 -Source of a river-

水源地 -Source of a river-

Yuka Nishihisamatsu


  • Porcelain clay, glaze, gold, platinum

H300 × W330 × D320mm

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