Yuka Mori

Yuka Mori

  • Born in 1991, Shiga-prefecture, Based in Kyoto

Artist Statement

Using Japanese painting materials to create one world that she expresses the excitement and comfort that arise when the environment surrounding you and the body that feels it come together as one flow. At the same time, she is exploring the role of Japanese painting in contemporary art.

In Japanese painting, the idea of "figure and ground” has been rooted, and it is said that a painting is made up of the mutual relationship between the “figure” that is painted and the “ground” that is imagined as the background because it is not painted. By vaguely expressing the boundary between figure and ground and by disrupting the order, I visualize a world with fluidity, where the ground could become a figure and the figure could become the ground.

五月雨の肖像 Portrait of May Rain

五月雨の肖像 Portrait of May Rain

Yuka Mori


  • pigment on Japanese paper

H333 x W242mm

Inquiries about works
サマーモーメント Summer Moment

サマーモーメント Summer Moment

Yuka Mori


  • Japanese paper, Mineral pigment

H318 x W410 mm

Inquiries about works
幽霊みたいに囁くGhost Like Whisper

幽霊みたいに囁くGhost Like Whisper

Yuka Mori


  • Japanese paper, Mineral pigment, Hanging stroke

H318 x W410 mm

Inquiries about works
雨中の肖像 Portrait in the rain

雨中の肖像 Portrait in the rain

Yuka Mori


  • pigment on Japanese paper

H1620 x W1303 mm

Inquiries about works


  • On View
  • Upcoming
  • Archive

No related information available.


  • On View
  • Upcoming
  • Archive

No related information available.

Available Works

吸い取る花 -absorbing flower-

吸い取る花 -absorbing flower-

Yuka Mori


  • Washi paper, Japanese pigment on panel

H727 x W1167 x D30 mm

Inquiries about works
孤独な部屋 -lonely room-

孤独な部屋 -lonely room-

Yuka Mori


  • Washi paper, Japanese pigment on panel

H410 x W318 x D20 mm

Inquiries about works
山間の肖像 -portrait of the mountain-

山間の肖像 -portrait of the mountain-

Yuka Mori


  • Washi paper, Japanese pigment on panel

H410 x W318 x D20 mm

Inquiries about works
二人の肖像5 -portrait of two person 5-

二人の肖像5 -portrait of two person 5-

Yuka Mori


  • Washi paper, Japanese pigment on panel

H273 x W190 x D20 mm

Inquiries about works
霧になる -become fog-

霧になる -become fog-

Yuka Mori


  • Washi paper, Japanese pigment on panel

H650 x W650 x D20 mm

Inquiries about works
二人の肖像4 -portrait of two person 4-

二人の肖像4 -portrait of two person 4-

Yuka Mori


  • Washi paper, Japanese pigment on panel

H273 x W190 x D20 mm

Inquiries about works